Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems Controls
Control options for efficient and effective dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) control operation. These controllers can integrate into building management systems (BMS). The right solution for your specific application is here.
Heat-Cool Only Controls
The Heat-Cool Only Control offering is designed to allow third-party control of a packaged direct expansion (DX), heat pump, or indirect gas heat on models RV, RVE, and RVC, while maintaining the safeties of the refrigeration system and heating devices.
An optional microprocessor controller that is factory programmed, wired, and tested prior to shipment. The controller can operate stand-alone or integrated with a Building Management System (BMS) using BACnet MS/TP or IP, or Modbus RTU or IP protocols. This controller is responsible for operating the unit in a safe and energy efficient manner while controlling temperature.
Web User Interface (UI)
Greenheck's microprocessor controller comes standard with a web user interface allowing the unit to be viewed and controlled from a web browser. With an Ethernet connection from the RV, RVE, or RVC unit to the facilities network, a full graphic, specific to the unit selected, will allow for monitoring and control of the unit without a building management system (BMS). Other features include full control display access, customizable data trending, and service contact information.